April 17, 2012

How Do You Parent an Abused Child?

I’m with Angela on this one, wish questions like this never have to be asked, but know that reality hits like a rock in the face because too often it’s needed.  I’m so glad that she shared this with us, along with her answer!  There are too many out there trying to help heal the wounds of those that have been abused as children…


Ah, man. I hate these questions. Not that you ask them, but that they have to be asked in the first place. I sure wish I got some more “Hey, can you eat dandelions?” questions that I could have some fun with.  And btw the answer is yes, you can eat dandelions. Want me to make a video about it?

So, the question for today is about child sexual abuse.

It is April aka Sexual Abuse Awareness Month so it is a perfect time for me to answer questions like this. I edited it down for you to read while keeping it anonymous. I share more of it in my video answer.

I have a question. My daughter was sexually abused when she was two and a half years old. She disclosed her abuse to me when she was three and a half, I took her to therapy and she recovered well. She is now 13 and has no recollection of her abuse.  When she finished therapy at the age of four and a half, her therapist told me that she may need to reenter counseling when she grows into puberty/adolescence. I had her in therapy last year for her anxiety and it helped, however, her abuse issues did not come up. Currently, I am observing signs in her behavior that I recognize to be symptomatic of being a survivor of sexual abuse… My question is, how do you parent someone who is a survivor without telling them that they are a survivor?

Wow, that’s a loaded question, and I’ve heard some similar ones too, so here goes. There is far too much to go over in one blog post so I had to Vlog this one. It’s a long one, so if you’re interested in the answer, watch it. If you’re a survivor, watch it since it does apply and if you’re a teen going through some crazy crap right now, watch it.

If the question and/or CSA does not apply to you, move on to some fun videos instead! Click on that post over there. There, over there. Yeah, that one.

Visit Original Link to hear Angela Sheltons VERY LONG answer!

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