Providing the HOPE to survive today, tomorrow and beyond
February 28, 2008
Wife Beating Caught On Video
UN Urges End to Violence Against Women -
"At least one out of every three women is likely to be beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused ...
UN Urges End to Violence Against Women -
February 26, 2008
Domestic violence targeted - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Domestic violence targeted - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Little Touches a Big Help to Moms in Tough Times
Give your friend the time she needs to talk
Be there to listen, without being judgmental
Lighten her load by offering to help out with errands, responsibilities
Offer to help out in specific ways, but don't make her into a charity case
February 14, 2008
Sex Offender Registry and Sex Crime Search, News and Discussion

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Suspect in domestic violence slipped away
The Joplin Globe, Joplin, MO - Suspect in domestic violence slipped away
February 13, 2008
Sistercare, Inc. : Historical information about Sistercare
In 1972, groups of concerned citizens in the Columbia area met to discuss ways to assist battered women. In May 1978, the Columbia Young Women’s Christian Association’s (YWCA) Board of Directors voted to support efforts to organize a formal program of services for abused women and their children in the Columbia vicinity.
Two years later, the Junior League of Columbia signed a contract with the YWCA to co-sponsor the project. These organizations established a steering committee with representatives from other related agencies and services in the community. Early efforts focused on increasing public awareness about the issue of partner abuse, obtaining information about the extent of the problem, and starting support groups for battered women.
In July 1981, Sistercare, Inc. was established as an independent agency with funding from the Junior League of Columbia, the South Carolina Department of Social Services, the United Way of the Midlands, and contributions from local churches, civic organizations, and individuals. Staff was hired, and on October 19, 1981, Sistercare, Inc. opened an emergency shelter in Richland County in a house rented from the Columbia Housing Authority. In June 1982, Sistercare officially became a United Way member agency.
In April 1982, a City of Columbia grant allowed the purchase of a permanent 24-bed shelter. Funds from the Midlands Home and Emergency Fund contributed to facility maintenance. In June 1994, Sistercare opened a critically-needed 20-bed second shelter in Lexington County to assist hundreds of domestic violence victims who, due to lack of space, were being turned away from its existing shelter in Richland County. In the Spring of 2004, Sistercare opened a third emergency shelter for battered women and their children. The third shelter can house up to 15 persons and is designed to accommodate battered women who have more than two children, as well as domestic violence survivors who may require an extended stay in shelter.
Sistercare, Inc. operates with financial support from the United Way of the Midlands, Kershaw County United Way, the South Carolina Department of Social Services, civic organizations, churches, county funds, and an annual board-sponsored fund-raiser, as well as federal, state, local, and foundation grants. Community donations of clothing, labor, and food assist Sistercare in providing services to battered women and their children.
Sistercare, Inc. is the only organization in South Carolina’s Midlands that provides shelter, services, and advocacy to battered women and their children. Services include a 24-hour crisis line, children’s counseling, community counseling services, individual counseling, follow up, legal advocacy, medical crisis intervention, and community education and training. Sistercare has served more than 27,000 victims of abuse during the past twenty-three years.
In 1998, Sistercare opened satellite offices and placed professional counseling staff in Fairfield County and Newberry County to give domestic violence victims greater access to critically needed services. A satellite office was opened in Kershaw County in the spring of 1999. During 2001, Sistercare established a formal follow up program for battered women leaving the shelters. In mid-2002, with the assistance of a three year grant, Sistercare established a housing and support services program for disabled domestic violence victims.
Domestic violence cop charged with assault - Randolph, MA - Randolph Herald
Domestic violence cop charged with assault - Randolph, MA - Randolph Herald
February 12, 2008
Stop Family Violence - get help, get informed, get involved
Published on September 11, 2006
National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Rejects PAS
National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. (2006). Navigating Custody & Visitation Evaluations in Cases with Domestic Violence: A Judge’s Guide (2nd edition). Reno, NV: NCJFCJ. (download PDF)
From page 24
Parental Alienation and the Daubert Standard: on Syndromes and Behaviors
In contested custody cases, children may indeed express fear of, be concerned about, have distaste for, or be angry at one of their parents. Unfortunately, an all too common practice in such cases is for evaluators to diagnose children who exhibit a very strong bond and alignment with one parent and, simultaneously, a strong rejection of the other parent, as suffering from "parental alienation syndrome" or "PAS".[52] Under relevant evidentiary standards, the court should not accept this testimony.
The theory positing the existence of "PAS" has been discredited by the scientific community.[53] In Kumho Tire v. Carmichael , 526 U.S. 137 (1999), the Supreme Court ruled that even expert testimony based in the "soft sciences" must meet the standard set in the Daubert [54] case. Daubert, in which the Court re-examined the standard it had earlier articulated in the Frye [55] case, requires application of a multi-factor test, including peer review, publication, testability, rate of error, and general acceptance. "Parental Alienation Syndrome" does not pass this test. Any testimony that a party to a custody case suffers from the syndrome or "parental alienation" should therefore be ruled inadmissible and/or stricken from the evaluation report under both the standard established in Daubert and the earlier Frye standard.[56]
The discredited "diagnosis" of "PAS" (or allegation of "parental alienation"), quite apart from its scientific invalidity, inappropriately asks the court to assume that the children's behaviors and attitudes toward the parent who claims to be "alienated" have no grounding in reality. It also diverts attention away from the behaviors of the abusive parent, who may have directly influenced the children's responses by acting in violent, disrespectful, intimidating, humiliating and/or discrediting ways toward the children themselves, or the children's other parent. The task for the court is to distinguish between situations in which children are critical of one parent because they have been inappropriately manipulated by the other (taking care not to rely solely on subtle indications), and situations in which children have their own legitimate grounds for criticism or fear of a parent, which will likely be the case when that parent has perpetrated domestic violence. Those grounds do not become less legitimate because the abused parent shares them, and seeks to advocate for the children by voicing their concerns.
52 "Parental alienation syndrome" was introduced by Richard Gardner and was primarily associated with child sexual abuse allegations in the context of contested child custody cases. For more information, see Bruch, supra note 28.
53 According to the American Psychological Association, "... there are no data to support the phenomenon called parental alienation syndrome ..." AM. PSYCHOL. ASS'N., supra note 2, at 40.
54 Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, 509 U.S. 579 (1993).
55 Frye v. U.S., 293 F. 1013 (D.C. Cir. 1923).
56 These are federal standards, but many states adhere to them at least generally and should still exclude any proffered evidence of "PAS".
Battered Women’s Justice Project
PH: (800) 903-0111
The Battered Women's Justice Project primarily provides support and technical assistance to organizations and professionals engaged in the criminal and civil justice system’s response to domestic violence. They do not take on individual cases or provide legal representation to individuals. Their ability to assist victims with their individual cases is limited to the provision of general information about the criminal and civil justice systems and how domestic violence cases are typically processed, but they can help you focus your questions about the criminal and civil legal system. They can also refer you to other resources that are available locally and nationally, and explain what they might have to offer you.
Bureau of Indian Affairs Indian Country Child Abuse Hotline
PH: (800) 633-5155
The Office for Victims of Crime, along with other Office of Justice Programs bureaus, collaborates with the Bureau of Indian Affairs to target domestic violence in Indian Country. This resource provides access to victims’ advocates, law enforcement authorities, health care providers, and community organizations all involved in the fight to end child abuse. Provides contact information for other advocacy agencies.
Childhelp USA National Hotline (TDD Hotline)
PH: (800) 4A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453)
The hotline is an excellent resource for crisis intervention, information and literature. Additionally, the hotline can provide referrals to thousands of emergency, social service, and support resources.
Anyone can call the hotline; they regularly receive calls from parents, children, and other concerned individuals. The Hotline is also a valuable resource for individuals who must report suspected abuse as mandated by law (school personnel, medical and mental health professionals, and police and fire investigators). All calls are anonymous and confidential.
Family Violence Prevention Fund and Health Resource Center
PH: (415) 252-8900
The Family Violence Prevention Fund works to prevent violence within the home, and in the community, to help those whose lives are devastated by violence because everyone has the right to live free of violence.
Justice Statistics Clearinghouse
PH: (202)-307-0765
This agency serves to collect, analyze, publish and disseminate information regarding crime itself, criminal offenders, and victims of crime. The date collected by this agency is often used by policymakers at the Federal, State, and Local levels.
Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse
PH: (800) 851–3420
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention established the Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse (JJC) in 1979 to provide individuals and organizations with easy access to a comprehensive collection of information and resources on juvenile justice topics. Through print and other media, JJC offers the latest research findings, descriptions of promising programs, publications on youth-related issues, practical guides and manuals, announcements of funding opportunities, and other useful resources—all prepared by the nation's foremost experts in juvenile justice and related issues.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
PH: (877) MAD-HELP
MADD is not a crusade against alcohol consumption - MADD's mission is to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime and prevent underage drinking. MADD is here to help you deal with the legal, medical, and financial issues that often follow a drunk-driving crash.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
PH: (800) THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678)
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children’s® (NCMEC) mission is to help prevent child abduction and sexual exploitation; help find missing children; and assist victims of child abduction and sexual exploitation, their families, and the professionals who serve them.
National Center for Victims of Violent Crime
PH: (800) 394-2255
The National Center for Victims of Crime exits to help victims of crime rebuild their lives. They are dedicated to serving individuals, families, and communities harmed by crime. They are also able to provide direct services and resources, as well as provide resources for additional training in support areas.
National Children’s Alliance
PH: (800) 239-9950
National Children's Alliance is a nationwide not-for-profit membership organization whose mission is to promote and support communities in providing a coordinated investigation and comprehensive response to victims of severe child abuse. NCA provides services to Children’s Advocacy Centers, multidisciplinary teams, and professionals across the country. The Children’s Advocacy Centers provide another way of serving abused children by offering comprehensive services for victims and their families.
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information
PH: (800) 729- 6686
This resource actually works along side the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) in order to support a life in the community for everyone, especially by building resilience and facilitating recovery for people with or at risk for mental or substance use disorders, as well as by using for information about substance abuse prevention and addiction treatment to achieve that outcome.
Child Welfare Information Gateway
PH: (800) 422-4453.
This service provides access to information and resources to help protect children and strengthen families.
National Criminal Justice Reference Service
PH: (800) 851-3420
NCJRS is a federally funded resource offering justice and substance abuse information to support research, policy, and program development worldwide.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
PH: (800) 799-7233
Hotline advocates provide support and assistance to anyone involved in a domestic violence situation, including those in same-sex relationships, male survivors, those with disabilities and immigrant victims of domestic violence. All calls to the National Domestic Violence Hotline are confidential.
National Fraud Information Hotline
PH: (202) 835-3323
This resources serves to assist consumers by giving them the information they need to avoid becoming victims of telemarketing and Internet fraud and to help them get their complaints to law enforcement agencies quickly and easily.
National Organization for Victim Assistance
PH: (800) 879-6682
NOVA serves to promote rights and services for victims of crime and crises everywhere, especially through its advocacy services, assistance to victims, and its training services for professionals.
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
PH: (800) 537-2238
The NRCDV provides support to all organizations and individuals working to end violence in the lives of victims and their children through technical assistance, training and information on response to and prevention of domestic violence.
Office of Victims of Crimes Resource Center
PH: (800) 851-3420
The Office for Victims of Crime Resource Center (OVCRC) is an information clearinghouse for emerging victim issues.
Parents of Murdered Children
PH: (888) 818-POMC
POMC provides the on-going emotional support needed to help parents and other survivors facilitate the reconstruction of a "new life" and to promote a healthy resolution. Not only does POMC help survivors deal with their acute grief but also helps with the criminal justice system.
Rape, Abuse & Incest Network
PH: (800) 656-HOPE
The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network is the nation's largest anti-sexual assault organization. RAINN operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline and carries out programs to prevent sexual assault, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice.
Do directly provide services in Spanish.
Resource Center on Domestic Violence, Child Protection & Child Custody
PH: (800) 527-3223
Through the Resource Center, the Family Violence Department (FVD) provides training and technical assistance to professionals seeking to improve outcomes on child protection and child custody cases that involve domestic violence, while engaging in policy reform in those areas.
VALOR/ National Victim Assistance Academy
PH: (703) 748-0811
VALOR tries to provide assistance through the promotion of education and awareness about the rights and needs of crime victims, the organization works to improve services for victims to assist in their emotional, financial, and physical recovery.
Fact Sheet: Emotional Child Abuse
17th Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60604.2404
312.663.3520 tel
312.939.8962 fax
Fact Sheet: Emotional Child Abuse
What is it?
Emotional child abuse is maltreatment which results in impaired psychological growth and
development.i It involves words, actions, and indifference.2 Abusers constantly reject, ignore,
belittle, dominate, and criticize the victims.1,3 This form of abuse may occur with or without
physical abuse, but there is often an overlap.4
Examples of emotional child abuse are verbal abuse; excessive demands on a child’s
performance; penalizing a child for positive, normal behavior (smiling, mobility, exploration,
vocalization, manipulation of objects); discouraging caregiver and infant attachment; penalizing
a child for demonstrating signs of positive self-esteem; and penalizing a child for using
interpersonal skills needed for adequate performance in school and peer groups.1,3 In addition,
frequently exposing children to family violence and unwillingness or inability to provide
affection or stimulation for the child in the course of daily care may also result in emotional
How is it identified?
Although emotional abuse can hurt as much as physical abuse, it can be harder to identify
because the marks are left on the inside instead of the outside.4 Not surprising, there exist few
well-validated measures of childhood emotional abuse. Clinicians can use a revised version of
the Child Abuse and Trauma Scale (CATS) which targets measures for emotional abuse.5
Caregivers can also closely observe children’s behaviors and personalities. Children suffering
from emotional abuse are often extremely loyal to the parent, afraid of being punished if they
report abuse, or think that this type of abuse is a normal way of life.3
Behavioral indicators of an emotionally abused child include inappropriate behavior that is
immature or more mature for the child’s age, dramatic behavioral changes (disruption of
activities, clinging or compulsively seeking affection and attention), aggressiveness,
uncooperativeness, bedwetting or loss of bowel control (after a child has been trained), and
destructive or antisocial behavior (being constantly withdrawn and sad). Furthermore, poor
relationships with peers, lack of self confidence, unusual fears for the child’s age (fear of going
home, being left alone, specific objects), or inability to react with emotion or develop an
emotional bond with others are also indicators. Realistically, any of the above behaviors may
also be seen in normal children, but a change in pattern of these behaviors is a strong indicator of
emotional abuse.3
Who are the perpetrators?
Almost any adult involved in a relationship with a child is a potential perpetrator. Parents,
teachers, pastors, social workers, neighbors, lawyers, or judges may all be capable of emotional
maltreatment.1 Common characteristics of the abusing adult include blaming or belittling the
child in public, describing the child negatively, always assuming the child is at fault, having
unrealistic expectations of the child, openly admitting to disliking or hating the child, threatening
the child with severe punishment, withdrawing comfort as a means of discipline, being
emotionally cold and un-supportive, suffering from alcohol and drug abuse, and possessing a
violent nature.3
Why does this happen?
Most emotional abuse occurs for many of the same reasons that physical abuse occurs. Parents
are vulnerable to becoming involved in maltreatment if stresses in their lives build up or if they
page 2
are unable to manage these stresses. They may also have diminished capacity for understanding
and dealing with children (mental retardation, psychopathology, alcoholism, drug abuse), false
ideas about children’s needs, or sadistic psychosis.1 Also, the abuser’s goal may be to control.2
Nevertheless, a single factor may not lead to abuse, but in combination they can create the social
and emotional pressures that lead to emotional abuse. Specific types of problems that can
contribute to emotional abuse are social problems that can contribute to family stress
(unemployment, poverty, isolation from relatives and friends, divorce, death, immature parents),
health crises (illness of a family member, disability of a family member, drug and alcohol abuse
within the family), and mental health problems (mental disability, depression).3
What are the effects?
The consequences of emotional child abuse can be serious and long-term.3,6 Many research
studies conclude that psychopathologic symptoms are more likely to develop in emotionally
abused children. These children may experience a lifelong pattern of depression, estrangement,
anxiety, low self-esteem, inappropriate or troubled relationships, or a lack of empathy.1,2,3,6,7
During their childhood, victims may fail to thrive or their developmental progress may be halted.
Some may also become poorly adjusted emotionally and psychologically.3 As teenagers, they
find it difficult to trust, participate in and achieve happiness in interpersonal relationships, and
resolve the complex feelings left over from their childhoods. As adults, they may have trouble
recognizing and appreciating the needs and feelings of their own children and emotionally abuse
them as well.1
What can be done for the victims?
To effectively identify and confirm emotional abuse, it is necessary to observe the abuser-child
interaction on varied and repeated occasions. If emotional abuse is suspected, action can be
taken regardless of whether the suspected offender is within the child’s home, child care setting,
or elsewhere in the community. It is the caregiver’s responsibility to report and not investigate
suspicions of child abuse. It is the child protection agency’s responsibility to investigate reports
of any type of abuse. A careful evaluation of those involved and the sources of stress should be
completed by appropriate and skilled professionals. Usually, a team consisting of a child
protection worker, a physician, a psychiatrist or psychologist, a public health nurse, a childcare
staff, and a teacher will become involved.3
What can be done to prevent it?
Health care professionals and concerned individuals need to increase awareness for and
education in emotional child abuse in the community and among parents. Secondly, parents and
guardians need to be encouraged to develop strong attachments with their children and learn to
express warmth and positive regard for them. Finally, families have to be encouraged to form
relationships with support systems available to them. In addition, more research in topics related
to emotional child abuse and parent-child relationships must be undertaken.1
1) Garbarino, J. & Garbarino, A. Emotional Maltreatment of Children. (Chicago, National Committee to Prevent
Child Abuse, 2nd Ed. 1994).
2) Jantz, G.L. Healing the Scars of Emotional Abuse. Grand Rapids, MI: Fleming H. Revell (1995).
3) “Emotional Abuse & Young Children”, Florida Center for Parent Involvement (website:
4) Korfmacher, J. Emotional Neglect: Being Hurt by What Is Not There. (Chicago, National Committee to
Prevent Child Abuse, 1998).
5) Kent, A. & Waller, G. “The impact of childhood emotional abuse: an extension of the Child Abuse and
Trauma Scale.” Child Abuse and Neglect. May, 1998; 22(5): 393-399.
6) Rich, D.J., Gingerich, K.J. & Rosen, L.A. “Childhood emotional abuse and associated psychopathology in
college students”. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy. 1997; 11(3): 13-28.
7) Sanders, B. & Becker-Lausen, E. “The measurement of psychological maltreatment: Early data on the child
abuse and trauma scale”. Child Abuse and Neglect. 1995; 19(3): 315-323.
page 3
This fact sheet is a public service from Prevent Child Abuse America that has been made possible through grants
from the Sigma Delta Tau Sorority. Fact sheets are issued periodically on a variety of subjects as needs arise. Fact
sheets may be reproduced without notice to Prevent Child Abuse America; however we request that the author, if
any, and Prevent Child Abuse America be credited as the source if reproduced in part or in whole in other
publications or products.
February 11, 2008
Phone Numbers for South Carolina State Government
DirectAccess Online - Directory Search | | ||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
Notice: This Directory Search is maintained by the Division of the Chief Information Officer. Specific telephone listings, including all Categories, are maintained by Telephone Directory Coordinator(s) within each State Agency.
| |||||||||||||
SC Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services
Victim Services
Keeping Victims Informed and Making the Process Easier |
The S.C. Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services created the Office of Victim Services (OVS) in 1986. We were the first probation/parole agency in the country to hire staff whose sole responsibility was to work with victims. The primary goal of the office is to keep victims informed of the status of their cases and to make certain they are as informed as possible throughout the process. By providing fast, comprehensive, responsive service, OVS can ease the frustration and anxiety that often accompanies the parole and probation process. Its services include:
Office of Victim Services |
February 5, 2008
Push for domestic violence help for families of police | family, violence, plainwell -
Local News: Push for domestic violence help for families of police family, violence, plainwell -
February 4, 2008
Weinbrenner molestation trial dismissed El Paso, Las Cruces - Weather, News, Sports - Weinbrenner molestation trial dismissed
February 1, 2008
South Carolina SC - Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics

South Carolina SC - Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics
See also All SC Statistics
SC Statistical Abstracts
SC Crime and Public Safety Reports
- South Carolina Department of Corrections - Statistical Reports - includes inmate populations & offense distributions
- South Carolina Office of Highway Safety - Statistics - traffic collision fact books
- Police protection and crime - police expenditures, crime rates, & arrests - SC compared to Southeast and US
- US Bureau of Justice Statistics
- FBI Crime Statistics and Reports
- White House Social Statistics Briefing Room - crime statistics
SC crime statistics guide!
Bill would create Web site of domestic violence convicts
"The new site would be a bit like a CARFAX report on potential suitors, where women and men could check a person’s past convictions for domestic abuse before getting intimately involved. Unlike the sex offender registry, the site would not include photos of the offenders listed. "
"In an attempt to avoid using public funding, authors of the bill hope to finance the Web site by charging the criminals themselves by tacking maintenance costs onto the fines for inclusive crimes. "
Well, those are the highlights of the article, just go read this link:
Capitol Weekly: The Newspaper of California State Government and Politics