April 22, 2009

Forgiveness Survey: Do Survivors of Abuse Need to Forgive in Order to Heal?

I was sent this survey through FaceBook, and feel that it is something to share and that it's important to get as many out looks on this as possible. This is not an easy topic, and not easily answered, and many have different views on this. I feel that in the sharing of feelings there is power, and that in order to do so, we need to work together and let our feelings be known.

My name is Lacey Brooks, and I am the team leader for the Alaska Army of Angels. We are a group dedicated to helping survivors of abuse and trauma to heal, and to raising awareness about high rates of abuse and violence in the state of Alaska and beyond.

This is a survey designed to gather people's opinions about forgiveness as it relates to survivors of domestic violence, child abuse, rape, sexual assault, or related trauma/abuse. It is not intended to influence or change your personal opinion; there are no right or wrong answers.

Please read more and take the annonumous survey!

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