September 27, 2009

Domestic Violence Awareness Month Blog Carnival

Hi All, we have been honored by Anonymiss to kick off their new domestic violence blog carnival by hosting the first edition of the carnival.

The first edition will be posted here on October 1st, 2009.  This edition will cover everything relating to Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM).  So, to kick of your DVAM activities, please make sure to come back and read the carnival on the 1st!

If you have an article about DVAM general information or activities that you would like to submit we are accepting submissions until the 30th of September 2009.  You can get more guidance or submit your article HERE, or you can email a permalink to your article with a brief description to

If you are wondering what a blog carnival is, you can go HERE, and read about it.  If you would like more specifics about the Domestic Violence Blog Carnival go HERE.  If you would like to submit an article visit the carnival main link and then click submit an article in the upper right corner.  If you are having difficulties you can contact the carnival organizer by either using the links provided or directly at

Please share this post with anyone that you know that would either have an article for submission or those that may benefit from reading the DVAM edition post on the 1st.   


  1. I've sent this forward and look forward to reading more. It's a wonderful way to let their voices be heard. Lady J

  2. HELP J. S. Huntlands raise awareness of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE
    Order this book on line or at your local book store

    Title: Nick Twisted Minds
    Author: J. S. Huntlands


    A quiet and studious young lady, ‘Tanya’ causes very little difficulty for her parents. Responsible and well grounded, she maintains modest goals. Possessing a sparse romantic history, she is quite pleased when she meets a man named ‘Nick’ through a mutual friend. Before long the pair begins dating and find each other highly attractive. Believing that her new love embodies many of the traits she so highly values, Tanya agrees to cohabitate with Nick. Unfortunately, she finds herself pregnant and soon discovers that who she thought was the love of her life has been far less than forthright. To her great dismay, this revelation begins a downward spiral from which her very existance is threatened.
