September 1, 2009


Things are changing around here at the UAADV News Blog!  We are un-cluttering the sidebars, adding some features, and moving the main website over to integrate the two.
First let’s talk about the Friend Connect Social bar that you now see at the bottom of the window.  This replaces the Followers module, where here it does!  You can still Follow Us or Sign in over on the left of this bar.  
Want to be friends with someone here?  Then look to the far right of the Social Bar and click ‘members’; followers are now members.  You can click each thumbnail to view that member and which blogs they follow, and add them as a friend.
Want to leave a comment about the entire site?  Or ask a question in general?  You can now do so with the Social bar.  Find the ‘comments’ just to the left of the ‘members’; click there and leave your comment.  It will show in the timeline for the entire blog (largest section of the Social bar).  You can of course still comment on each blog post just like always!
As for moving the main UAADV website over and integrating it, this will take us some time.  Please be patient with us as we get this done.  Once this is done you will be able to use the tabs across the top of the blog to access the many informational articles that were on the main website.
You probably already noticed that there is a new tab at the top “UAADV Network”.  This tab will take you off the blog and into the UAADV Network that is set up on the Ning platform.  This is a social network within Ning much like other social networks.  There you can have your own profile, enter discussions in a forum area, join groups, have chats and many other things.
As always, if you have questions regarding how to access or use any of these features please don’t hesitate to ask!  UAADV is for YOU, so let us know how YOU want to use it! 
UAADV is for victims, survivors and advocates alike!

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